
Cookies Policy

The cookies banner is a small message that pops up when you visit a website. It tells you that the website uses cookies, which are small files stored on your device to remember your preferences and improve your experience. The banner usually asks for your permission to use these cookies and lets you choose to accept or manage them.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is very small text file that is sent by a web page server to the browser on a computer or mobile device where it is then stored. Cookies are used by most websites as they help improve the user’s experience by performing certain tasks. These might include remembering who the user is and what their preferences are when they return to the website, and helping to improve that user’s interaction with that site by making it more efficient. Cookies are identified as being ‘persistent’ or ‘session’ cookies, and as ‘first party’ or ‘third party’.

Session cookies are temporary and stored on the browser for the duration of a session. When the browser is closed the cookies are deleted automatically.

Persistent cookies will remain on the browser for a set period of time. They will remember the website user’s preferences ready for when the user returns to that website.

First party cookies are ones that are set by the website you are visiting, whilst third party cookies are set by other service providers.

Cookies on our website

The Siderise website uses Google Analytics session cookies (first party cookies). They provide us with information that helps us to understand how visitors use our website by tracking things like the date and time of visit, pages viewed and time spent on web pages. These cookies store non-personally identifiable information so do not allow us to gather any personal information about you. We use these cookies because they information they provide helps us to improve our services, resulting in a more tailored user experience for you.

Account cookies

When you log into an account, you are given options for 'Remember me' and 'Keep me logged in'. Both of these options use cookies:

  • Remember me: Your e-mail address is stored in a persistent cookie for 1 year and filled in for you the next time you visit the log in page.
  • Keep me logged in: a random 64-character key is generated and stored in a persistent cookie for 30 days. This key is used, along with your e-mail address, to log you in automatically. Your password is not stored in a cookie. 'Keep me logged in' requires 'Remember me' to be turned on.

Disabling cookies

Cookies are harmless and help improve website usability, making your interaction with the website easier and faster. Some people, however, find the idea of cookies intrusive, but you can disable or delete cookies at any time.

If you disable, block or delete cookies this may have a negative impact on the sites usability, and could result in the loss of useful website functionality, for example to keep you ‘signed in’ and any personalisation that the website offers.

You can disable cookies by changing your browser settings. This will vary depending on the browser you use but the web browsers Help section should guide you through the process. You can also visit, which gives more information about cookies and how to control them within a wide variety of browsers.

Changes to this policy will be published on this page.